Publications AFRAFR
The atrial flow regulator: current overview on technique and first experience (2020)
Paitazoglou C., et al.
Publications AFRAFR
Atrial flow regulator as a novel therapy for patients with chronic heart failure (2020)
Lewicki Ł., et al.
Publications AFRAFR
Initial results of PRELIEVE Trial; pilot study to asses Occlutech Atrial Flow Regulator (AFR) in patients with Heart Failure (HF)_EuroIntervention (2019)
Paitazoglou C., et al.
Publications AFRAFR
Case report – Atrial flow regulator for severe drug resistant pulmonary arterial hypertension after congenital heart defect correction (2019)
Sabiniewicz R., et al.
Publications AFRAFR
Update on Devices for Diastolic Dysfunction: Options for a No Option Condition? (2018)
Gupta A., et al.
Publications AFRAFR
Atrial flow regulator for failing Fontan circulation: an initial European experience (2018)
Manuri L., et al.
Publications AFRAFR
Atrial Flow Regulator Implantation in Children with Severe Pulmonary Hypertension (2018)
R. Kaley V., et al.
Publications AFRAFR
Article – Clinical Impact of Creating a Predetermined Atrial Communication in the Management of Severe Pulmonary Hypertension using the Atrial Flow Regulator Device (May 2018)
J. Vettukattil J.,